freedom phone – finally free from third-party access

Yes, it is totally possible to have a smartphone with full encryption and nobody than the owner has access to it and the stored data.
No law enforcement, no girlfriend, no tax office, no revenue service.
(but of course, we also sell to law enforcement or government!)

more details buy a phone
secure your mobile phone by modern encryption
your private data - confidental and encrypted on your cryptophone

When YOU care about privacy

It is surprising that in the past mostly criminals were interested in keeping their data private on so called crypto-phones (EncroChat, Sky ECC, …).

But especially you as an individual should be more concerned about your personal data on this tiny device. Whom you share these with, where you store your data online. By default, most service providers do not really encrypt your data. This means, in most cases of a leak, all your private data becomes public…

Remember: even criminals have their right for privacy!
(right to remain silent)

used by

amnesty international
dgb - deutscher gewerkschaftsbund
privacy plus

100% encrypted

When we say 100%, we mean the full package. No restoring by an hidden admin or function. No plain data saved or accessible. And you don’t have to trust this, you can verify it yourself.

security audits

We care A LOT about your and our security (yes, we use our own products). Therefore we also pay for auditing the used software by external professionals.

clean history

Unlike Erik Prince (or other former government contractors) we have no history tied to any agency in the world. That’s why we owe anyone a favor.

trusted partners

Since we only make decisions which software to use and how to secure it, we and you rely on selected, professional and trustworthy partners worldwide.